This Is Gonna Hurt

It’s gonna hurt, but gonna hurt so good. Kinda like this!

My domain servers and site host got their ducks in a row by this morning. I spent the evening hanging out over at Lair De Sade saying hi to friends and watching subbies get slutty in short skirts, prancing around the place. Good times.

When the smoke cleared this morning, I still couldn’t log into the CMS, but after reading a lot of support forums and replacing a lot of links, has start to come together.

To quote Matt and Ben, here’s where it’s gets crazy. Almost all the art is sourced to While the art is stored at, about three years of posts have code pointing the graphics to the old site. It is also time to set up a gallery of new art for the official launch of In order to set up those galleries, I have to upload the artwork all over again (something with the plug in for some reason).

I’m seriously thinking of deleting the artwork and posts from the archives, not related to the current galleries. I was ready to ground-zero this site in order to get official.

My plan is to think this over a bit more. Tonight, I’ll correct the images for May, and maybe go back further. But do not be surprised if some of your favorite posts say goodbye. I’m not going to wipe out the art, just set it up in a new gallery. I’ll keep you posted.

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