The Cubs Fan’s Last Request

Before going into this graphic commission that came up at Domcon LA, I bring you important news about this site. This weekend, I’m going to bite the bullet and officially switch domains over from to

This means that if you have linked directly to posts or artwork in the past, the link may completely hiccup. It’s a big change, but I’ve had to start over from scratch before. It’s better to make the change now than later.

That said and out of the way, I was at Domcon, and this very excited guy with blue furry gloves comes up and asks about commissions and tattoo art. Sure, I’m whoring my pencil out, why not? I’ve done furry drawings before. I’m a cat at heart.

So he shows me this pic of his Mistress’ tattoo, asking me to draw a male in that pose, wearing a Cubs jersey. He wants the whole thing open, cock, balls and ass. He’s also apparently a big fan of ferrets.

Welcome to the strange world of being an artist doing commissions!  I’ll be sending this sketch to him shortly to get his input. I’m jokingly calling this the Cubs Fan’s Last Request, after the funny song of the same name.

So, all that said, please bear with me this weekend, as I get to see what kind of mess I wind up making with the domain switch.

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