Fetish Art In Progress: Boots, Subbies and Superheroes!

Did you like the color version of Fire Woman today? Atomic Mistress is next to get the color treatment. These are for stickers. I got good response at the comic expo last week, and I’m already working on a new batch of 3″x4″ stickers.

It was a busy weekend. Saturday had a lot of focus on the top secret project I’ve been working on with Sherry. We’ve had a lot of arguments about the direction, and I’ll get to the result in a few minutes. What’s come out of it has been some good ideas I can share.

We made a lot of progress, but then I had to get ready for the Tom of Finland drawing workshop on Sunday.

I was really looking forward to the workshop, because I’ve got the comic expo coming up in February to get ready for. I may redo the one above to have a certain character with a lasso. Not naming names. This was a rare time that I didn’t get many good poses. However, the crowd was great. So many people RSVP’d, that Miguel got two models. Then, one of the artists agreed to pose with one of the models in another room, but that’s another story.

So, when I get back, Sherry and I have a long talk. We came to a resolution. I said Let me get this straight, you want to market this to the submissive soccer Mom crowd that reads magazines like Good Housekeeping? She said yes. I agreed on the condition that I could continue my harder Femdom and BDSM art as a separate part of the project. She’ll market the softer work I provide to the larger audience, and I can fast track the work. The artwork for both will most likely make it here to the site. What we’re doing with it is the secret, so far…

And Tuesday! I almost forgot, is the Sherman Oaks Munch. I’m bringing V-Day cards, the greeting cards, and free stickers! For details, go to: https://fetlife.com/groups/19693

If you’re not a member of Fetlife yet, check it out! It’s an awesome way of meeting kinky people.

The latest gear from Extreme Restraints

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