Sherman Oaks Munch Tonight

BDSM Art: Sadistic Skyline

It was a good weekend for in progress art, but not much for finished art. Obviously, I didn’t get a chance to update over the weekend. I did attend the opening of the Tom of Finland Exhibition at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood. I had a great time, and picked up some ideas from his techniques.

I have some pieces to upload, but I’m having one hell of a time with my laptop for no apparent reason. So those will have to wait. Tonight however, I’m going to the Sherman Oaks Munch at PF Chang’s in the Sherman Oaks Galleria. I’m bringing the portfolio with some new color prints.

By the way, yes, I do sell originals, and I will gladly sell prints of my work. If you see me at a social event, and I’ve brought the portfolio. Please feel free to make an offer.

For more on the munch tonight, go to:

Extreme Restraints

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