Fetish Art: Latex Nurse

Fetish Art: Latex Nurse

I’m not completely satisfied with how this turned out. The fleshtone latex dress is the right color, and I got part of the gist across with the vinyl lab coat, but something in me wants to scrap the whole color scheme and start over again. The green is the color I imagined, but I think I need more of that glow.

This fetish art piece was originally started for a club night in Hollywood called Fetish Nation. The theme for the night was medical play, and I was very excited to give this a go.

Currently, I’ve got three more pieces in progress, and I really need to crack down and get a few more started. One goal I have is to start some pieces based on Extreme Restraint’s catalog of fetish gear.

Next on my list of Dominatrix portraits is my friend Mistress Cyan. Since she’s approved us to do publicity for Sanctuary LAX, it only seems fair to include a portrait in the package. Let’s face it. She’s long overdue.

You won’t be left completely waiting until Tuesday for an update. While vanilla, I’ve got a nifty review coming your way Saturday. It’s something very dark you’ve gotta see. Until then…

Extreme Restraints Fetish Gear

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