Femdom Art in Progress: Goddess Sadie Hawkins

Femdom art in progress: Goddess Sadie Hawkins

My Fetish-Artist profile on Twitter is still a little new. Among two of my first followers were Goddess Sadie Hawkins and Goddess Natasha.

Almost right away, Goddess Sadie asked if I would draw her for her site. She wasn’t specific, which actually helped. Here’s what I’ve whipped up so far.

The pic has two purposes. Once done, she’ll have an explicit piece for use on her site and at the dungeon. However, I’ve left her completely clothed and purposely detailed the drawing so I can edit out explicit pieces for a second piece. Once the explicit parts are edited out, Goddess Sadie can use the image for things like Cafe Press items, or Facebook.

She’s very happy with the progress so far. I’m very happy with where the Femdom art piece is going.

Next on my list is a piece for Goddess Natasha, but you’ll most likely see that progress next week.

Extreme Restraints Fetish Gear

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