Catching Up, My Kinky Valentine and Other Adventure

Leatherwoman woman of color

Nothing really to do with anything, I just really like the drawing šŸ™‚

So a few weeks ago I stopped by Threshold‘s My Kinky Valentine. I don’t know what’s moreĀ embarrassingĀ for me, asking if they’d take a check to enter, or being told no. I wasn’t trying to be cheap, I just didn’t feel like dealing with an ATM machine that day and wanted to keep cash aside for actually buying things and getting some BBQ there.

Scary thing is, I’d swear there was a time you could only pay for Threshold events by check.

Threshold’s last vendor fair, Bizarre Bazaar, was a learning experience for me regarding parking. For My Kinky Valentine, I showed up about 1:30 P.M., as the parking was easy, the BBQ was starting and it was easier to navigate around the vendors.

Demonstrations this time around were less education and more entertaining, which is refreshing for a scene that’s had years and years of BDSM education. Threshold’s changed quite a bit for the better. The outdoor part of the event featured a stage, DJ, tents, and even couches for lounging and socializing. There was even someone offering wine tasting for leather parties.

Leathergirl, silver pen on black paper

Another piece just here for the heck of it.

The big reason to come is the vendors. Regulars like Hillary’s Vanity, Frugal Domme, and Bunny Flogger were the high water mark for clothing and toys.

Best new item had to be Count Boogie’s Book Smarts book paddles. These handmade book paddles featuring Bibles, The Book of Mormon, Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew novels are just the right amount of wrong. Many were asking about a 50 Shades of Grey model, but there aren’t enough used copies about and paying full price for a copy isn’t in his plan (granted, if you provided the book, I’m sure he’d customize it for you).

Second place goes to Ravyns Blood Leather cat ears, which are about $40 each. I’ve seen cat ears before, but these hand crafted cosplay ears have lovely tufts of fur and lifelike leather. They’re damned cute and if I had the cash I would have grabbed a pair for Sherry.

Honorable mention goes to the sprinkler penis plug from Balls and Chains, which I can’t even find a site for, but it is available online through Extreme Restraints.

Last Saturday, I took the Grey Mistress bicycle up to Hillary’s Vanity in Chatsworth for her vendor fair and birthday party. It’s a great idea. Hillary invites a bunch of her friends who make jewelry and leather goods to come over and show their wares, then they have dinner, and everyone heads over to Bar Sinister. What a great way to get a new outfit and go out for the night.

At first, I think I drew some skepticism. Then, as some of the folks saw there were folks that knew me and could vouch for me, it became a little easier to relax and draw a bit. Ariel Leigh Acosta put on a performance in the warehouse. It’s one thing to see her suspension act on stage, but even more intense when she’s only a few feet away. Orpheus did a personal performance with Indigo in honor of Hillary’s B-day. Mina De Sade was up to something, but I missed out as it was time for me to head back home on the bike.

But I didn’t go home empty handed. Having learned my lesson at My Kinky Valentine, I brought some extra cash just in case. I found a great red satin robe with leather print trim for Sherry. It was on clearance from Hillary. I also got her a little Bast statue and Goddess themed majick box from Wulfenbahr Arts. All of these were very reasonable, and everyone was quite friendly.

This upcoming Sunday is theĀ Ā Los Angeles Comic Book and Science Fiction ConventionĀ at the Shrine Auditorium. I’m going to be heading over there looking for inspiration and maybe I can even find a spot to draw.

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