Femdom Art: Cafe Press Item of the Week: Double Shot of Dominatrix

Web Mistress, a kinky play on words

This week I’m giving a double shot of Femdom art, because you already saw the Throne Mistress piece earlier this week. Web Mistress up above is something I’ve had cooking for a long time for the Cafe Press fetish store. Years, truth be told.

I colored in Web Mistress about five years ago or more. The piece was intended for the new line of black t-shirts and clothing. Ironically, I’ve found the work around I need, but all my black garments are tied up with other artwork. The rectangular shape and lack of white space has also made things awkward on the merchandise. So we’ll be seeing her in black later down the road and on other products as time allows for me to make adjustments. For the moment, Web Mistress is available on white t-shirts, jewelry, drinkware, and more.

Throne Mistress Femdom Art on a pillow

Meanwhile, Throne Mistress is up and available as t-shirts, clothing, and much more.

To deliberately keep the prices down, I’m only marking up the product a dollar. While the items are pricey, you’re also paying for quick turnaround and items way too expensive for me to whip up at home. Within the next month, I’ll be creating some well-priced greeting cards and other items for sale at LA leather and kink events.

From now on, unless something comes up, I’m updating the Cafe Press item of the week on Saturday, most likely in the afternoon. Sorry for the delay, but it’s much easier to manage the time when this is done on a weekend.

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