BDSM Art: Dildo Gag From the Sketchpad

Many people wonder, how does one start when there’s no ideas and the blank pieces of paper mock you. It happens to all of us. Musicians are lucky in that if they’re messing around, it just looks like practice. Some writers will actually copy other writers to learn style and get ideas. For example, in his younger days, Hunter S. Thompson would type F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Artists doodle and sketch.

For every drawing pad I have, there’s at least two or three pages of assorted doodles, minor sketches, and ideas. This BDSM art came from a page I dedicated to doodles and sketched intended to become clip art for BDSM newsletters, magazines and web sites.

There’s a little residue left from going back and forth in the drawing pad, but this bit is long overdue to be added to the archives.

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