Thank You Failure to Fire! Art from Blood, Babes, and Bullets

J Grant and Mel Hynes of Failure to Fire apparently like my review, and like my site.

And apparently like it so much they added a link to right on the front page, without any hint my site tends to be adult rated.

Not complaining! Just blushing a tad.

So, for those gun fans reading Failure to Fire, welcome! Here’s a little something just for you today from my old art book, Blood, Babes, and Bullets.

Before doing BDSM and Femdom art, I certainly had a girls with guns fetish. This was in part thanks to a lot of animae, action movies, and certainly a lot of marketing products around the gun shop in Livermore in my impressionable age.

Then, I got hold of a couple of issues of The Spectator. San Francisco’s adult newspaper and really the trade magazine for sex workers in the Bay Area. For the first time, I began seeing words like “lesbian,” “B&D,” “Mistress” and “S&M.”

So of course, the character of Elaine “B&D” Dallas was born.

The character of Elaine Dallas was an undercover police officer, posing as a sex worker and strip club dancer to get info on drug dealers for the vice squad. The idea was the guns would fit in perfectly as part of her cover. The character was embracing her role a little too well and was an eccentric member of the squad.

Not much happened with the character after high school. She appeared in a couple of short stories and quick strips, but I still dreamed of doing something with the character. I had no idea what the real world had in store for me farther down the road.

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