1997 Dominatrix Calendar Gallery Update

Two more additions to the Dominatrix Calendar archives

1997 Dominatrix Calendar Cover

The 1997 Dominatrix Calendar was not a huge hit, but it did work out quite well. I had just broke up with my girlfriend Amber. Things just went sideways, the less said, the better for both of us. 1996 had been a year of learning experiences, good and bad. I had gone from up and coming artist, to busboy at the Sagebrush Cantina. However, once free of the relationship with the ex, I was able to make fast friends in the BDSM community. The calendar was a fantastic way to introduce myself as a kinky artist, and an available subbie.

The cover for 1997 was not one of my strongest pieces. Time was running out, and I really needed to get all this together and ready for print. Almost everything was done by hand. Nothing was done by computer, which was a point of pride. The cover is loaded with elements I love, like the symbolism, the hot rod, the floating pyramids, the multi-limbed Femdom Goddess.

The cover is directly from one of the hard copy calendars, and you can see how it was signed and numbered.

Queen of the Thunderbirds

The question isn’t how did she get up there. It’s how are you going down?

January was another matter. This is Queen of the Thunderbirds. I love the idea of Zero-G sex and BDSM. The idea of floating and playing at the same time to me is exhilarating. This was one of the few drawings Amber posed for. I really needed a model to get the position right. While she did not model for many pieces, she was influential for a number of the furry drawings that made it into the 97 calendar.

If I had to do it all over again, I’d do Queen of the Thunderbirds as a painting. It really would do well on a large scale.

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