Excuse me while I whip this out… Digging through the fetish art archives

Solo Flight

Got back from the night gig, put away the groceries for my lovely Sherry. Decided it’s time to watch X-Files on Netflix, so we checked out the pilot tonight. Was going to post the Dominatrix Calendar Gallery, and decided to go through the archives first.

Firey Night Ahead

While my archives are not a giant vault of hand drawn pornography, they are not a total mess on my desk (no, that would be my bills). About 10 years ago, I purchased from Ikea a  wood and glass cabinet just perfect for storing flat, 11×14 artwork. It is stuffed full of archived fetish art, sketches, reference material (including a bazillion post cards from when the max racks were really popular), and of course, archived calendars.

My hope was to find   the masters for the calendars, which most would be 8×11 copies in envelopes. I did find some originals from the calendar series, but I can’t seem to find the masters so far.

What I’ve decided to do is scan from the original calendars a few missing pieces, each day. This will take a little more time, and I’ll need to go to Kinko’s to get the 95 calendar scans right, but this should work out in the long run.

Jay E. Moyes' Dominatrix Calendar 1995 cover

In the meantime, the Dominatrix Calendar page will go up tonight, and the gaps will be filled in as time progresses. It also gives me a good excuse to post updates.

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