Gas Mask Fun

So, it’s amazing what you can do with found stuff, especially broken stuff. When at Pangaea, Zed’s Threads was showing at the SMUT art room. Among his finished pieces was surplus stuff, including this tore up gas mask that I got for a decent price.

I began playing around with it the next day. I could create a leather hood and glue it on, maybe add in some spikes or paint it a strange color. I mean it’s already trashed, what’s a little paint gonna hurt?

Maybe a gas mask candle holder?

Then it hit me, hey, try it on upside down!?

Look! I’m an industrial apocalyptic unicorn!

This is just freaky and fun at the same time. Look for more of this to come in the future.

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Puppy Play Paddle

Puppy Play Paddle in Progress for Dog and Pony Show

Here’s how it’s been going down. I sketched on the paddle in watercolor pencil, then did some line art with pen, then filled in space with white acrylic paint. The final move is to fill in with ink and spray coat the paddle.

Things are starting to get pretty silly regarding the Dog and Pony Show at Antebellum. This may be a good sign though, as this means there’s a lot going on. Last Sunday, I turned in the poster art for Rick. I have no idea if it’s even in the window or if he just wanted it around. I was just glad to have completed it and feel pretty proud about the piece.

Poster art for Dog and Pony Show. Original has some color and silver gel pen touches.

Then, Rick e-mailed me asking if I could be the door man for the evening, in a doggie mask. Despite being a cat person, as an artist, I’ve got to say this is a pretty gonzo and ballsy thing to do. So hell yeah, count me in.

And on Friday, Rick e-mails me, asking if I can do a puppy paddle for the show.

Now hold everything. Remember, two weeks ago I found out I couldn’t be in the show. I had to drop everything, make new plans. That’s why I jumped to show at Pangaea. It is days before the show. The leatherman paddle took about three weeks. Two of those weeks were spent adding spray coats and finish.

But, this is about taking what I do seriously. Art is also about experimentation and finding your limits. I made no promises, but told Rick I’d take a stab at it.

So Sunday, while recovering from Pangaea, I finished sanding one of blank paddles I have, and sketched out something directly on the paddle with blue watercolor pencil (a technique I just learned about at Continental Supply in Reseda). Later, I began adding ink outlines. After dinner I added white acrylic paint. That was dry by the time I had laundry going, so I kept inking. It’s still in progress, but I should have a few clear coats on it by Saturday.




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Recovering from Pangaea

Latex Kiss In Progress

I got home Sunday after 3 A.M. and am still recovering. The good news is that Pangaea was great. The crowd is this gender bent mix of trans, lesbian, polysexual, just there to have a good time and fuck what people think group. Not only did I see people playing, but also flat out making out.

Mistress and Trans Angel Femdom art from the Dominatrix Calendar Gallery

Now, think about this for a second. It says something about the BDSM scene when I notice people making out at a play party. I’m so used to these controlled environments where people only touch to tie someone up, flog, paddle, or even fuck, that it’s been rare to see things like necking, kissing, and heavy petting.

Femdom Art: Mistress with Transgender Subbie

The hard part is the group is a pretty small demographic. The main floor of Sanctuary LAX was full, but they haven’t been getting the big crowds they’ve been hoping for. We had a hard time getting people to come into the SMUT art room. The Pangaea folk were there primarily to see the awsome post- apocalyptic floor shows and play. There was a rope suspension of a guitarist playing Master of Puppets. He became part of another act where a female Joe Imortata from Fury Road rocks out with her white clad harem. There was a mashup of Mad Max and Adventure Time with People Eater merged with Ice King.

On the whole, I love the crowd. It reminds me of what got me started in BDSM. I’d love to do Pangaea again, but maybe spread out the artists into different rooms or something. Special thanks to Mistress Allison Leigh and H.P. Loveshaft for having me show at the event.


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