Dark horse of the apocalypse working the door. Mask by Keith Hunter
So a few weeks ago, Rick from Antebellum sends me an e-mail asking if I’ll work the door while wearing a dead horse mask for Keith Hunter’s Taming of the Beast performance art show.
I figure, sure, why not? It will help the art from Dog and Pony Show on display get more attention. Sounds like a good idea.
Antebellum is less than one block down from Hollywood Blvd. We not only get past by tourists going to their cars, but also by the tour buses spouting trivia such as Miceli’s, the oldest Italian restaurant in Hollywood (as opposed to talking about the movie stars that would be there, how Marlon Brando auditioned for Streetcar Named Desire next door, etc). I’m propped in the doorway dressed in black with Keith’s dead horse mask before the show starts.

I got to hang out with my buddy. His name is Anubis, and he was created by Fetish Diva Midori. I call him Anoobs, cuz we’re buds.
The response I got was even weirder than the dog mask the previous week. Some people thought I was a statue until I stood and waved. Women freaked out. One surly looking short guy with a beard came walking right up and just stared at me. And of course, middle age men start coming up to attend Keith’s show.

Just keeping with the horsey theme.
Rick has been very specific. We close the doors at a certain time, the show starts, no one gets in past a certain point. Of course, the show starts a little late. One guy makes it in just after things kick off. Keith’s partner has this horned head mask and furry accents. Keith comes in wearing a renaissance headdress with scarves draping down his body. I caught flashes of angel wings and at the end, Keith has chained the beast to one of Antebellum’s walls.
I’m expecting this to be a couple of hours. It ended much sooner than I thought, and Rick was of the same frame of mind. Like one’s first time, it was over much quicker than expected, and we were left with awkward stares for the rest of the night. Keith was very personally engaged in conversation with the attendees. But Rick and I didn’t quite know what to make of it. We were locking up about ten at night, as Hollwood’s amateur tourist hour was kicking into high gear.

So I go from this masculine gay performance art, to a very straight night at a BDSM club. Welcome to the worlds I pass through.
I debated going to Bar Sinister, but even dressed in black, didn’t quite look the part. Maybe if Keith let me borrow the horse head for the night, it would have worked. So I dropped by Lair De Sade before heading home. Lair was holding Unfettered, a play party open to almost any orientation, but it was a very fem sub looking evening.

I grabbed a seat on the back patio and hung out with Tony Bones talking shop. Across from us a topless sub was reclining leisurely. There were some very lovely naked ladies being led by their Masters back and forth into rooms to play. Kane came by to say hello. Orpehus dropped by, and I got to tell his sub Indigo about the Black Gay Erotica show.

The day had been in triple digit heat, so by this time things were actually comfortable as I sat there with the sketch pad and worked on a few doodles. Long after the bars had closed, the Lair was still going. Some went to eat and came back before dawn. As a woman lay across her friend’s chair, getting the marks on her ass massaged, I realized I was no longer sitting, but in that stage where my body was trying to convince me to sleep in the chair. I called it a night, but even at home my dreams were still of lounging at the Lair.