2016 is not off to a good start. The good news for this Sunday morning is at least I got to sleep in a little and have some time to myself.
I’ve been working on Femdom art for Club WICK for about a month and a half now. It hasn’t been easy, with juggling stuff for the Teamsters, dealing with the driving gig, and a case of lethargy that I think stems from an internal rebellion to 2014 and 2015’s drive to get my work pushed out there. Most of the art was done a few minutes at a time on the driving gig. I’d have a little down time and pull out the drawings when no one was around. I’ve even worked out a way to transport pieces so they’re close to the driver’s seat and easy to reach.
So I was really happy to feel I was on to something with the latest piece above. I also experimented with the red ink. It produced good results and the brush strokes created a nice pattern for the hair.
My big mistake was posting my progress to the Club WICK group on Fetlife on Friday. The woman who wanted the work done sent me an ice cold e-mail and pulled my post. The irony being my offense was simply posting links to the artwork. There was no mention of an opinion of the art itself.
A younger me would have responded with a rant and a tirade of profanity. This just simply hurt.
Instead of being a prick, something in me yearned to do something helpful and to feel useful for a bit. That same day, Rick from Antebellum asked if I could volunteer to help at an opening for Devoted: Male in Tahiti, by Verner Degray. It’s not really a fetish project, but instead a great series of photos of the male form. Which is why I hadn’t made a big deal about it here.
Absolutely! I’m in a mood, and this is exactly what I needed. I got there Saturday afternoon and swept out the tea garden for guests. As I was working, the neighbors were talking about how they were having to move out soon. They began to grouse about gentrification and development, and when I asked, they said that the whole block was going to be torn down for condos.
Before guests arrived, Rick confirmed the rumor over whiskey and wine in the garden. This explains some of his funk over the past year. If Rick has plans for the future home of Antebellum, he didn’t express it. That’s mostly because Antebellum’s soul is in that little Hollywood storefront that was a used book store. The entire block is marinated in history. Anywhere in Hollywood would be too expensive for the gallery, and it just would not be the same anywhere else. Rick’s soul is in the Hollywood of 30 years ago.
So, um, yeah, I’m bummed.
Not sure if I’ll sell the red haired Dominatrix blowing out the candle. I’m thinking of just putting that stuff away for the moment. I have to get started on stuff for Rick’s Sweetheart Dance group art show for Valentine’s Day. Maybe I’ll use the red head as the promo card just to piss people off.
I’ll help Antebellum go out in a blaze of glory. Maybe a huge party where we take chunks of the walls home as souvenirs. We’ll have Rick sign them. Left behind will be piles of wine and whiskey bottles for the bulldozers to slog through. Dressed in drag, I’ll take a sledge hammer to that damn clogged sink that has thwarted us at every turn. Rick will film it as performance art. Maybe Antebellum will find a new home with a place as rich in history as the old book shop where Charles Bukowski used to hang out in. I’ll gladly help Rick move the concrete table and potted spider plants to a new tea garden.