From the garage

It’s fleshing out quite nicely, and I’m starting to work things into the reflection. I’m calling it Maneater so far, but I might have to change that.

I’m doing two paintings from the garage as I let the cat play in the back yard during the mornings. It’s a great way for me to get away from things distracting me from art. Today I got work done on two pieces, and gessoed three 11×14 canvas boards for future use and as test boards to see how certain paints look together and trying new things.

I’ve got a lot of room to play with reflections, and got this started in the heel.

Nipple torture in the front of the boot. Not sure if I should call it Maneater after this, but this has been fun to work on.

And the leatherman piece is coming along well too.

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Work in progress and Plans for 2016

Work in progress, fresh from the garage this morning. Acrylic on canvas. I’m thinking of calling this fetish art Maneater

You’ve probably been thinking this sooner than I have. My work has been suffering lately. It’s not that the work has been bad. I’d even go so far to say last year’s direction with new materials and detail has been an improvement.

Work in progress. This is that technique I learned a few years ago of doing the sketch in watercolor pencil first, then coming in with waterproof ink before adding an acrylic wash and more paint. The pencil is even erasable.

I hate to focus on quanity vs. quality, but I just haven’t done as much fetish art in the past months as I’d like to. The shows have eaten up a lot of time.

So, here’s my plan. I’m only focusing on a few shows this year, so I can boost up my artwork and keep the site updated. Then I can work on doing more shows.

This year, I seriously need to get serious about transportation. I either need to make some major fixes to the Celica, or get another car. The situation is keeping me from going to major places I need to be to place my artwork in the future.

More art updates to come soon.

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Rick Castro fundraiser at Tom’s Garage Feb 27th.

Photo of Rick Castro, wearing Rick Owens, but Josef Jasso

Valentine’s day morning, as I was getting ready for the opening reception for the Sweetheart’s Dance, we got a phone call from Rick Castro, owner of the Antebellum fetish art gallery.

He was attacked while waiting for a subway in Hollywood, and while defending himself took a fall on his bad leg. It was the first time Antebellum has had an opening reception without Rick.

He’s had difficulty standing on his right leg, and only today has he been able to make it to the gallery. This impacts not only the ability to run the gallery, but his photography business which is what keeps the doors opening and a roof over his head.

“Untitled” by Tom of Finland. Graphic courtesy of the Tom of Finland Foundation

This Saturday, February 27th, the Tom of Finland Foundation will have a fundraiser for Rick Castro as part of their Tom’s Garage event at the Faultline bar.

It’s going to be a little tricky for me, because Mistress Cyan’s Indulgence is the same night over at Sanctuary LAX. I’m seriously planning to do both events.

If you can make it to Tom’s Garage this Saturday, great. If not, and you’d still like to help. Contact Rick at

For more details, go to

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