DomCon LA 2016!

DomCon LA 2016 Poster Art

Please feel free to copy and spread this artwork. I’ll have prints and the original available at DomCon LA 2016. Click the graphic to go to official DomCon LA 2016 site.

It has been like pulling teeth getting to this point, but I finally got the poster art done for DomCon LA 2016.

With many kind thanks to Mistress Cyan and the Sanctuary LAX folks, I will be vending once again at the event. Stay tuned for more news as we come closer to DomCon time!


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Art for Sale for Tessa’s Oral Cancer Fund

Ok, I’ve mentioned it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, here’s the details:

Last year, my Cousin Dale announced his adult daughter Tessa has oral cancer. There were insurance issues and his blue collar family was having trouble putting together funds for treatment, time lost from work, doctor’s appointments, etc. He put together a GoFundMe account at:

Myself and my parents kicked in, but Dale is far short of the $10,000 goal. I’m struggling too. Here at home, I have severe debt and my car is falling apart. I constantly feel as if I’m living from one crisis to another.

So, I had an idea.

I’ve got two pieces up for sale. Proceeds to go to Tessa’s Cancer Fund.

Do NOT save the date! SMUT 3 has been postponed until after DomCon LA. The prints and flyers will feature different dates and artists, making this piece a unique collector’s piece. Click the photo to purchase the original art. All my proceeds from this sale go to Tessa’s Cancer Fund.

One is the original poster art for the upcoming SMUT 3 art show. The date has been officially postponed, which also means we’ll have a different roster of artists. What this means is, the final posters and flyers will be different from the original art, making this a unique piece.

This piece is currently on Etsy for $200 plus S&H at…

I’ve realized I have to change something if I’m going to get serious about painting. The boot is coming along well, but painting takes lots of time. Trying to update about these paintings is literally like watching paint dry (no seriously, the paint was still curing when I took this photo). It’s almost there, I’m redoing the reflection in the buckle and the chrome.

Next up is “Hot Rod Boot” AKA “Maneater”, an acrylic painting on 11×14 canvas of a high heeled boot styled like a hot rod. That’s the pic of the canvas up top. The boot has flames, tailpipes, and a shark teeth smile. I’ve been working on this piece every morning for about two months before I go to work at my vanilla driving gig.

The painting was conceived of as a learning experience, where I could focus more time and effort than one of my typical art pieces.

I was going to try some form of bidding process through the GoFundMe page, but realized that wouldn’t work out right. So, I’m asking $350, plus shipping and handling. Payment to be made through Etsy. Photos of the work in progress are available through my Facebook page and of course on

There’s more that can be done, but at the moment I’m stretched thin. I’ve had ideas like using E-bay instead of Etsy and sending out smaller pieces in exchange for smaller donations. That will have to come later.

One last very important thing to mention, Tessa doesn’t know me and I barely know Dale. That side of the family doesn’t know much about my artwork, and my involvement in fetish and BDSM. Tessa doesn’t even know I’m doing this. I’m just trying to help out. All proceeds I receive from these pieces will be donated to the cancer fund.

I know there are collectors out there and this is a way I can take what I do and use it to help someone in need. To my friends in the fetish world, please share this.

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Special Thanks to Michael

Special thanks to Michael from Massachusetts who is getting the framed set Wings Wetted Down, Celtic Strap On, Ringmistress and Angel Cross, along with a set of V-Day cards and a bunch of bonus items.

Lots of Fetish Art

Wow, that’s a lot of smut! Thank you kindly Michael! Click the photo for original art, prints and more fetish art for sale.


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