By the way, a Safari print of this is available. I’ll have it on Etsy soon.
So, there’s this great episode of Pod Sequentialism where Matt Kennedy is discussing how unstable the art market is becoming. In there, he brings up the issues of shock vs. substance in art.
That stuck with me a bit. It wasn’t directed to what I do, but it is something I contend with regularly.
I was born in the muscle car age. I have a high octane heart that requires heavy handed fuel. I’ve said many times art should be a shotgun blast to the face. But I’m talking about impact, not shock. If I wanted to shock, there would be dead bodies, grizzly carnage, and the taboo.

Hardcore pieces like this aren’t merely gratuitious. There is a level of personal fantasy here and as an artist, there is a level of skill needed to show hardcore in an aestheic way. Available now on Etsy at https://www.etsy.com/listing/202739591/mature-mistress-femdom-party
If art doesn’t make an impact, it’s forgettable. When’s the last time someone said? “That was a great movie, I can’t remember a single scene or moment.” When you create shocking art someone will just want to forget, that just goes in the pile of lowest common denominator, or what I call LCD.
Honestly, if a celebutard buyer proudly gloats “Bro, I just paid an artist ten large for a dildo she shoved up her ass and sprinkled with glitter.” It doesn’t mean he’s an art collector. It means he’s a douche bag.

A fan favorite, ironically not because of the canning, the nipple clamps or hitachi, but because she’s biting her lip and ready to climax. Everyone who loved it felt an instant connection.
Cheap or expensive, simple or complicated, art should speak to you. Most of my patrons simply get some greeting cards or a couple of stickers. I’m one of the many that collected free postcard advertisements. Personally, I’ve bootlegged art for my walls, and I’m not alone.
In sum, get it because it speaks to you, you like it and you want to buy it. If you want to shock your friends, get a cattle prod. Better yet, get a tens unit or a violet wand. They’re worth the investment and a lot of fun!