Please Keep That Man Out Of My Dick




Wow. I have a policy not to get political on this site, but Tuesday caught California off guard. I was at a Ralph’s in Porn Valley on Thursday and it was like someone let out the world’s most toxic fart, and no one knew who to blame, or if they would be accused of dealing it. Ironically, most people have been extra polite lately. Mostly in a please don’t hurt me kinda way.

I’m in my 40’s and hail from Livermore, California, about 50 miles out from San Francisco. Every year, hundreds of protesters would march on our city to protest the nuclear weapons labs. This wasn’t the 60’s. They did their sit in, and got hauled off to tent cities run by the jail before going to court. I’ve seen it bad, I’ve seen it batshit crazy. The good news is we have a lot further to go before we reach what many are terrified of.

I come from the Reagan era of arms for hostages, mind control experiments disguised as alien abduction, and El Salvadorian death squads operating in the U.S.A. I voted for Hillary for a balanced budget and low unemployment, so please spare me the arguments about deleted e-mails which probably included a bunch of spam for generic Viagra and penny stocks.

So, that said, what really has me pissed off is now the pressure is on to create political protest art. I get it, seriously, I do. Many are outraged, want to make a statement, and it makes sense. But keep that annoying orange bastard out of my dick please.

I don’t even want to look at him, why would I torture you with that ugly mug of his in a chest harness or taking it up the ass?

In Japan, they had The Floating World. It was a place where peasant and prince walked as equals. It was a place where you left politics and place behind and stepped into a world of fantasy and pleasure. This site and the fetish scene is my escape from a much more disturbing world.

I have my own ways of protesting, and fighting back. I am getting things together and preparing for the worst.



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Bizarre Bazaar and Calendar

The Bitch and The Wardrobe, December in the 1997 Dominatrix Calendar

Coming to Bizarre Bazaar as a greeting card.

So Saturday, November 5th is the last big day for me this year. It’s Bizarre Bazaar time at Threshold. I’ll have stickers, greeting cards, prints, original art and more, plus I’m donating original art to the silent auction. Come on down, check it out, help keep the lights on in this great kinky play space.

You don’t have to be a Threshold member, just over 18 and ready to do some kinky shopping! It’s at 11300 Hartland St, North Hollywood, CA 91605. Check out for more event and club details.

I stumbled on something interesting. As you may know, calendars cycle and rotate.  For example, a 1995 calendar is good for 2017. While specific holidays may be out of sync, the dates line up.  I’m going to bring some of the original 1995 calendars to Biz Baz tomorrow.

Meanwhile, New Profanity is planning a show called “Uncensored” next Friday, November 11th. I’m not sure if my submissions are accepted yet, but check out for more.

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Quick Good News

Happy Halloween! Just put this in for the heck of it.

Happy Halloween! Just put this in for the heck of it. This is back from when the site was I should do a sticker from this.

Good news!

The gallery plug in is giving me grief ordering the images correctly. However! I do have the Fetish art galleries back in place! Furthermore, I added a gallery for the post 2000 Calendar and AVN days.

Gonna take a break now, then get some stuff ready for DomCon New Orleans

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