Work in Progress: Domme Bunny

Fetish art of Latex Domminatrix Bunny in progressYou saw this on Easter, I started on it again after dinner.

I’m one of those who appreciate a crude look to even elegant art. Some of my favorites are Kevin O’Neil and Ralph Steadman. I’ve had times where I’ve seen an energetic sketch, only to see it tamed too far with inks or paint.

It was great when I had confidence. So many would say “I wish I could draw. I’m too much of a perfectionist. I can’t ever get it right.” I learned the media will tell you where it wants to go, and you need to feel that and listen.

But the harder lesson is great artist fuck it up. I’ve seen good sketches by great artists, then they add paint. It starts to look awful. That’s where it’s easy to stop and go “it’s ruined.” The greats shrug it off and go “there is a lot more to go” and they know what they are doing.

When you do this for money, it’s very easy to second guess yourself. Playing safe works in business, but it doesn’t make you a great artist. So, as an artist, I have to look at a piece and say, “ok, let’s fuck it up and see what we get.”

If I can pull something great out of it, no problem. If it’s ruined, I can trace it, pull an idea off it, or come up with something completely different and move on. But you can’t be afraid to fail or fuck it up if it’s going on the wall. Paper is cheap. Canvas can get gessoed over. Don’t be afraid to start over.

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Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

I was going to post some bunny stuff and realized I have more bunny themed material than anticipated. Including some pieces that many not have made it here. Have a look!

Fetish Art Sticker design for Perverted Podcast in honor of Bunny

Check out when you can. Count Boogie always needs the support!


Red Rabbit, Femdom Art, Latex Fetish

Totally forgot about this piece that sold at Gallery 30 South.

Two girls kissing grapic for Count Boogie's Perverted Podcast. Bondage, BDSM, kink

Of course there’s the original sticker art for Perverted Podcast

Mistress With BunnyMan for

You remember this piece from the Fetish For Life series. This is planned to go in the 2022 calendar of course.

Mistress Raven Heart for Easter

You may remember Mistress Raven Heart from the drawing workshop at Nelson Creative Spaces in NoHo. She’s also set to go in the 2022 Calendar

Bunny Ears Gas Mask Fetish Art

I’m going to end this with a work in progress that resurfaced. Mistress Bunny Gas Mask here was posted few times in social media, but didn’t make it here. This is the danger in putting your social media before your own sites.

I’ll use the last one to recap with what’s going on for fetish art and this site. There’s a lot going on. The fetish art brings in the least amount of income, so it’s had to stay in the background. Late at night, during the week, I may have a few minutes to sit down and do some artwork. I’m prioritizing pieces already in progress, like this one. On weekends, after the to do list is done, I’ll sit down by the TV and do more artwork. During the day, I’m working hard to save my home and stabilize the situation here. It’s a piece by piece, day by day struggle. I’m obviously not the only one struggling, but I have to take things seriously. Thank you so much for your support and have a great weekend!

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Work in Progress: Latex Lunch

Work in progress for the calendar. Go to for tshirts, mugs, and more!

Work in progress for the calendar. Go to for tshirts, mugs, and more!

Sunday morning, I started working on this again. It’s for the calendar project. This latex fetish piece was not meant to be a finished piece, but instead be completed digitally. We’ll see how it goes.

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