Quck update. I finally got to start on the red ink background. One of the hardest parts of doing a piece like this is waiting to pump in a bunch of color on a broad area. When I was younger, I didn’t think so much about where I was putting down ink, but I’ve smeared enough lines and got graphite where I didn’t want it from being impatient that there’s now some rules how I do this. I’ll typically ink from the center and move out, erasing pencil marks as I go. The red is looking really, really good, and I’m looking forward to adding a couple of coats.
This kinda happened by accident tonight. I had some downtime on the road, and this was left over from a Gallery Girls model drawing workshop. I needed to do some inking exercises and had some fun with this. Tonight, I was tweaking curves in photoshop and the pencil sketch marks started turning white.