Season’s Beatings 2019!


Salutations and Season’s Beatings,

Thank you kindly for bearing with my belated Xmas post. I’m with family this week and haven’t had much time for drawing and working on the computer. 2019 has been very rough on those close to me, and I’m trying to be there for support. Sometimes, I’m not even able to succeed there.

So while art is what keeps me sane, it takes a back seat at times. I just finished color for this guy above. He’ll become stickers and cards in 2020, great for both gay and straight friends. There is a female version of this in progress too. You may have seen her on my YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. I’ll have her up here soon too. We may be late for Xmas, but there’s always room for art.

The calendar had to take a back seat this year. Pity too because I had that cover going so well. I am trying to get more art in with the driving gig. I’ll see what we can do.

As always, spanks for the support!

This entry was posted in Adult Cartoons, Bondage Art, Fetish Art, Safe For Work Art By Jay E. Moyes. Bookmark the permalink.