If you don’t know who Tim Woodward is off the top of your head, you may know his creations. Woodward is the creator of the fetish magazines Skin Two, KFS (aka Kinky Fetish Sex). He also publishes and distributes fetish art books and products. He’s also got great balls, or more specifically a number of fetish parties put on by himself and friends in the UK.
I get a newsletter from Tim regularly about the latest parties in the works, magazines in print, and then this curious thing popped up.

I love it! Pierre was clearly ahead of his time. I also love that a guy this wonderfully perverse survived WW2 Europe without getting tossed in an oven by the Nazis. Click the pic to check out more and buy the book
It’s a Japanese book about Pierre Moliniere, a French surrealist painter who was born in 1900 and died in 1950. The book comes with photos of his art and personal, gender bent photos of Moliniere in some striking poses. I’m stunned and inspired.
This rare find will not last long. Tim only has two copies left in stock as I write this. It’s 44 pounds in the UK, not sure off hand how much that is in dollars, but for what you get, I’d say it’s worth it.
Go to Woodward’s KFS bookstore at https://www.kfsmedia.com/fetish-books/pierre-moliniere/prod_169.html to check out more and order. While you’re there, don’t forget to have a look at the other books and publications available, such as the new Venus in Furs translation with illustrations by Sardax.