
Fetish Art: Akasha

Yup, I’m down to combing the archives again, but this is also one of those “wait a second, I thought I already uploaded this” kind of moments.  I whipped up Akasha as a Femdom piece in ’97. How this didn’t end up in Dauntless or Blood, Babes and Bullets, I’m not completely sure.

Egyptian symbolism was a big thing with me back then, and the ruins here also show other themes in previous pieces. In some ways, the piece documents some of my transition from sci-fi and psychedelic art over to fetish.

I am very seriously thinking of bringing updates here down to once a week. Things are far behind with Sanctuary, I’m running out of time to draw, and the night gig has taken up quite a bit of my time lately. By going down to once a week, I can keep up with the artwork, and get some better pieces uploaded.

Another change, starting today, is I’m closing comments. All I’m getting is spam posts. Even the complimentary stuff is cookie cutter stuff that I’d swear was just cut and pasted to everyone else’s blogs. Ya know, when I post to Richard’s Femdom Artists blog (which has a great set of comic and pulp art today), at least I discuss the artwork, styles, and make a point to keep on topic. With the comments I get, I can’t even tell if someone is actually looking at the artwork. My e-mail is right up top here in the header, if you like my work, or want to drop me a line, please feel free to shoot me an e-mail.

The latest gear from Extreme Restraints

The latest gear from Extreme Restraints

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