Back in the early 90’s, I had a friend who wanted to put together a cyberpunk comic featuring an all girl band. Of course, the comic uses girls with guitars, keyboards, and other instruments. In addition to his characters, I began creating some of my own. Olivia was a silent partner, usually jacked into the internet and computer while composing. While I hadn’t gone full on kinky yet, you can see the elements that I loved, leather, stockings and boots.
The writer, whose name is not mentioned because he’s touchy about such things, was also a huge Betty Page fan. So, of course we had to have a Page homage, and included leopard print attire along with the bangs. While a lot of drawings were done, things were pretty chaotic and unfocused for both of us. So the project got mothballed.
Speaking of chaotic and unfocused. I have a few days off, and am off to a good, yet chaotic start. There’s more artwork coming today and Thursday. I’m also getting ready for Domcon, and am looking forward to creating even more art.
So please bear with me. I hope to have some color pieces finished on computer later today. The really good news is Mistrss Cyan of Sanctuary LAX has asked us to do publicity for the dungeon space. They are looking to rent out space for video production.
Back later!