A Little Crafty with Clevage

It was hard to focus as this was so small. They were doing jewelry at Kinky Crafting this month. Instead of going with a photo, I hand drew art to fit in here, but I ran out of time to finish.

Last week I had a moment to cut it out and glue it into the piece. It’s nothing difficult, just some Elmer’s glue on the front and back of the artwork. I have it on a piece of leather and plan to wear it to Club Caelum goth night at C-Frenz.

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A Little Boot Art

This is a little something I whipped up at C-Frenz in Reseda. There’s a warm up I go through, especially if it’s been a while since I’ve drawn. It’ll be something like, ink in large spaces, then sketch, then ink in detailed spaces. This way, I’m in a good headspace before I have to ink small details.

But sometimes, I just need something quick to start warming up with, so I’ll sketch something I know without a reference, like a boot, or someone just standing there, or a hood, or a butt. So the sketch becomes the warm up, then I do thick lines and ink spaces.

So if I remember right, I started this at the C-Frenz BBQ on a Sunday, then brought the sketch into Club Caelum goth nights at C-Frenz on Tuesday, and ran with it and finished it up there.

Today I cut it out while listening to Brittany of The Dungeon Store on the Authentically Kinky Podcast.

The Dungeon Store can keep you in the pink!
And get a discount when you use promo code FETISHARTIST at checkout.
Posted in Bloggish Self-Indulgent Tripe, Boot Fetish, Safe For Work Art By Jay E. Moyes | Tagged , , | Comments Off on A Little Boot Art

This could be the end…

The good news is I’m not planning on taking down the site. Matter of fact, with all the chaos on social media, having a web page is so important right now.

However, I was at Internext and Xbiz last week, and the consensus is that NSFW is in serious danger. Age Verification laws on U.S. state and international levels pose a threat to all webmasters and affiliates. There’s no agreement on what AV software is acceptable, and that’s because the goal isn’t keeping kids off of adult web sites. The goal is to control any material authorities deem to be obscene.

This material offensive to authorities could be pornographic media such as photos and video. It could be artistic and AI renderings of such materials. It could be editorial and fictional written content (and there is legal basis to prosecute for that). It could also be any material regarding transgender activities and LGBTQ community literature.

Not jumping to conclusions just yet, but my short term plan would be to gut and remodel the site to keep off naughty bits and simply offer NSFW material at in person events. We may see hosting companies like Mojohost offer AV software packages with web hosting.

We’ll see how it goes.

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