Happy Holidays! Christmas Femdom Art


Happy Holidays, Christmas Femdom Art

Don’t you want to kiss under the mistletoe!?

Ok, the menorah candlewax Hanukkah scene will have to wait until next year, but I have been knocking out some pieces for this year. This is the PG rated piece for Facebook and to send out to our friends in the press. I’ve got a kinkier Femdom art piece planned for Christmas Eve when I get back from the driving gig.

Still on the sketchpad is a kinky Santa leatherman piece. I’m hoping to at least get it scanner ready by Christmas Day.

Many kind thanks to all those out there visiting the site. It’s been a hard year and I hope you’ve enjoyed the artwork.

I am planning a 2014 retrospective next week, but also have some good news (and art) coming from Michael Manning that he’s allowed to let me share 🙂

And as Weebl says, check back tomorrow!

The latest gear from Extreme Restraints

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