Fetish Art: Black Leather Wings

Black Leather Wings figure for Electric Inks

In late 1996, I met Kenny and Heathor of Electric Inks. They’re great folks. They liked my artwork and we had a deal. I’d send over plenty of pen and ink art on a variety of subjects, including fetish. Heathor would color in the ones they liked and the company would print out stickers through their distribution company, C & D Visionary.

Of what I cranked out, they really liked the crosses, aliens, skulls and Gothic art. I still have some of the finished product, which will pop up later. Unfortunately, there was a lot of good art that just didn’t make the cut, including the piece above. We began to drift apart.

About a week ago, Heathor spotted me on Facebook and of course I’m gonna add them. I really wish the fetish art would sell a little better (alas, just because you see it in the Hot Topic doesn’t mean you’re buying, does it?).

As time goes by, some of the other pieces I whipped up will make it up. Most are safe for work, so they may go over to my WordPress page as time progresses.

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