Quick plug for a friend, Dungeon Net and Mistress Milliscent

Dungeon NetYears ago, when I learned html and got my first site up and running, Mistress Milliscent spotted it and asked if I would submit the site to Dungeon Net, her archive of BDSM and Fetish sites.

Of course I jumped at the chance to say yes right away. My heart raced. I mean my goodness, somebody on the internet likes me! And she’s female! And a Dominatrix! Wow! Times have certainly changed, and we now have friends on the internet we never knew existed. However, I still have a soft spot for Mistress Milliscent, and the traffic Dungeon Net must have sent me in those years.

Both sites are still live. Mistress Milliscent’s Dominatrix site has grown. It features a regularly updated blog, photos, and her books. I’ve added both sites to my links. Please check it out.


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